Couldn’t format SD/SDHC card or delete its volume

I was recently unable to format a SDHC card with Windows Explorer or the Disk Management console (diskmgmt.msc). I did apply the same trick as when I was unable to delete a volume of a SDHC card.

The symptom was the same: in the Computer Management > Disk Management console… the “Delete Volume…” menu was dimmed (disabled)…

The solution was to format or delete the volume using command ‘Diskpart’ in a Dos prompt.

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See here how menu is disabled when I want to delete it:

Computer Management: Delete Volume... dimmed

To solve this, I used the solution published on Internet by Salty Wagyu : diskpart. Here is the list of commands to be used in a dos prompt run as Administrator:

  1. Diskpart
  2. List Disk
  3. Select Disk x (where x is the number corresponding to your SD Card)
  4. Clean
  5. Create partition primary
  6. Active
  7. Format fs=fat32 quick
  8. Assign





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