Bootable Floppy, Usb Key or CD/DVD with Dos or Windows 9X/Me/NT/2K/XP

It’s always a nightmare when I have to flash a Bios or boot a PC in a Dos mode for any other purpose (recover a corrupted partition). Sometimes because I don’t have a floppy drive on the PC, sometimes because I don’t find my Bootable CD with Win98, etc…

Fortunately, there are all the required utilities to create bootable devices (floppy, usb or CD) on the website.

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My favorite utility being the one to create a bootable usb key (Method 1). It’s indeed

  • nowadays very seldom to still have a floppy drive on a PC (an even much seldom to find a floppy in good condition)
  • not practical to use a CD as even if it’s not a read-only one, to add some exe/files for the purpose of the operation is not always as easy as with a usb key.

As far as you are concerned with creating a Bootable USB Key from a Windows Setup ISO, You may simply use the “ISO to USB” tool.

For Windows 7, use the Microsoft “Windows7-USB-DVD-tool” – Official “Windows 7 Setup ISO” being available here.





One response to “Bootable Floppy, Usb Key or CD/DVD with Dos or Windows 9X/Me/NT/2K/XP”

  1. Valery Letroye Avatar

    To create a Bootable USB key in order to install Windows, I recently used “Zotac Win Usb Maker”:

    I also used to give a successful try to another great tool named “WinToBootic”:

    But to create a bootable USB key for any purpose (including a setup key of Windows, but not only), I recently started to use Rufus, instead of Iso to USB:

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