Samsung Smart TVs have two http ports that can be queried from Php Server Monitor: 8000 and 8001.
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If the TV is on, querying on http://IP:8000, you get the response:
Server is running...
If the TV is on, querying on http://IP:8001/ms/1.0/, you get a response like:
{ "DUID": "08f0d181-0096-1000-82d5-c4576e33a21d", "Model": "14_X14_BT", "ModelName": "UE48H6500", "ModelDescription": "Samsung TV RCR", "NetworkType": "wired", "SSID": "", "IP": "", "FirmwareVersion": "Unknown", "DeviceName": "[TV]Samsung LED48", "DeviceID": "08f0d181-0096-1000-82d5-c4576e33a21d", "UDN": "08f0d181-0096-1000-82d5-c4576e33a21d", "Resolution": "1920x1080", "CountryCode": "BE", "SmartHubAgreement": "true", "ServiceURI": "", "DialURI": "", "Capabilities": [ { "name": "samsung:multiscreen:1", "port": "8001", "location": "/ms/1.0/" } ] }
When the TV is Off (powered off or in standby mode), you won’t get any response from those ports but:
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