As far as photos edition and printing is concerned, I only use two free softwares: FastStone and Paint.Net. I use FastStone to crop pictures using predefined standard photographic print sizes or to print pictures keeping its size…
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Although Paint.Net is really great for editing photo (Ex.: clone and heal details, convert into Sepia, …) it can’t crop using predefined standard print sizes…
Also, assuming that I have a photo with a custom size and a resolution like 600×600 , I cannot print it in its actual size… Paint.Net will always resize the photo to fit the paper (although I do not check the option “fit picture to frame”) – or – will print Full page, 13×18, 20×25, 10×15, 9×13, Wallet (9 picture) or Contact sheet (35 pictures). As said by the Team developping Pain.Net : it would mean rewriting the printing functionality from scratch and isn’t something we’ll do because it would take months if implementation and debugging.
So, I use open my photos with FastStone and use its “Crop Board” as well as its “Print” feature.
If I have to edit the photo, I can open it within Paint.Net directly from FastStone using its “Edit With External Program”…
Notice: I use the “Sepia” adjustment of Paint.Net as the result is much better than with FastStone. I also use the “Clone stamp” of Paint.Net as I can adjust its width, something that I cannot do with FastStone.
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