My-Config is from far the best and less intrusive online tool I found to check if your drivers are all up-to-date. And it’s free.
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My-Config which is mainly a web based tool (online) can detect your hardware and software configuration. It find next the appropriate drivers and search for WHQL-certified (or beta as an option) updates compatible with your computer on the web site “TousLesDrivers.com”. It comes however with an offline modules to, among other, run analysis when disconnected from Internet.
Depending on your hardware (i.e.: if there are the adequate sensors) My-Config is also able to report on your components’ activity: voltage or temperature of the processor, of the graphics card, etc. .
After a complete analysis of your PC, you should focus on the summary pane. This one displays the drivers for which an update has been found. Next to each one, you have a button to download the update from “touslesdrivers.com” web site.
The other panes show information on your hardware, installed applications, running process, startup programs, …. But nothing out of the ordinary here.
A great feature is however the “network mode“. The offline module of My-Config can indeed be installed on remote PC in your LAN and configure to run as a service protected with a password. This remote service can next be query from any PC to display its analysis report. The offline module can be configured as a service via the menu Start > All Programs > ma-config.com > Settings. In that window, select the Network mode, a password, and click “start”.
On PC not connected to Internet, you can run an offline analysis using the offline module via the menu Start > All Programs > ma-config.com > Settings. In that window, click the “Detect” button. This is going to save an analysis report in a file. Copy this file on a USB ley and go to a PC connected to internet. Finally, upload the file on http://www.ma-config.com/en/detectoffline (see the bottom of that page)
Notice: if you PC runs fine, there is no reason to update anything. Updates are usually more a source of issues than a real improvement for your PC (except “Security” updates)…
To check for programs update, have a look on Sumo
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