On Google, one can easily find how to add servers in the list presented on the login page of phpMyAdmin. But the results don’t apply if you are using the package ‘phpMyAdmin’ for Synology. With that package, one must edit the synology_server_choice.json file.
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If you are connected on your NAS via a SSH console, the file to be edited is located in /var/services/web/phpMyAdmin/synology_server_choice.json.
But you should also be able to access it from a Windows PC on \\<YourNAS>\web\phpMyAdmin\synology_server_choice.json on DSM 6.x or \\<YourNAS>\web_packages\phpmyadmin on DMS 7.x\synology_server_choice.json
To add a server, simply duplicate the first statement of the json file, separated with a comma:
{"verbose":"Server 1","auth_type":"cookie","host":"localhost","connect_type":"socket","socket":"\/run\/mysqld\/mysqld10.sock","compress":false,"AllowNoPassword":false},
{"verbose":"Server 2","auth_type":"cookie","host":"","connect_type":"socket","socket":"\/run\/mysqld\/mysqld10.sock","compress":false,"AllowNoPassword":false},
{"verbose":"Server 3","auth_type":"cookie","host":"","connect_type":"socket","socket":"\/run\/mysqld\/mysqld10.sock","compress":false,"AllowNoPassword":false}
Et voilà.
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