RPI 4/Openhabian into an Argon One Case


If you installed Openhabian onto an RPI hosted into an Argon Once Case, here is how to configure the Argon One.

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Install the scripts to manage to Argon One’s features:

sudo curl https://download.argon40.com/argon1.sh | bash

Configure the fan cooler, for example depending on the temperature, with the command:

sudo argonone-config

Select the option 2 and type 10 for 55 °C, 55 for 60 °C and 100 for 65 °C, meaning that the fan speed will by 10% at 55 °C, etc…


In order to configure the Argon One to turn on automatically after a power failure, you have first to enable the i2C. The easiest is to do it with the raspi-config command, which can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install raspi-config

Then run it:

sudo raspi-config

And go to the menu “Interface option”, and select the entry “I2C” to enable the loading of the I2C kernel module.

Now you can check that it works with the command:

i2cdetect -y 1

And finally set the Power-On feature with the command:

i2cset -y 1 0x01a 0xfe


Now, you can press the power button of the Argon One :

  • twice to reboot
  • +3 sec to shutdown and power off
  • +5 sec to force the shutdown


Et voilà





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