Yesterday, I discovered that Plex, DS Video and a few other Apps didn’t run anymore on my Samsung Smart TV. I was also unable to install new Apps. After looking for solutions, I finally decided to reset the TV. It solved the problem.
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Most of the Apps installed (except Youtube and Netflix) refused to start. Trying to start an App only resulted in a spinning wheel… spinning for minutes… the TV finally exiting the Smart Hub without having opened the App.
I tried to uninstall some of the Apps and reinstall them next. But it appeared that it was impossible to install any new or previously installed Apps.
I was also unable to update installed Apps although an update was available.
However, network connection was fine (I did use the diagnostic menu of the TV to check it).
Finally, I decided to reinitialize the TV, also using the diagnostic menu. During the reconfiguration, the TV got an update of its system. After the reconfiguration, all preinstalled Apps appeared to work fine. And I was also able to install new Apps and run them.
NB.: Maybe updating the TV system without doing a full reset would have been enough to solve the problem…
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