A few notes about the upgrade from DSM 5 to 6
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- First, stop Plex (as it prevents DSM 6.0 to install)
- Upgrade to DSM 6.0
- Upgrade all the required Packages
- Start Plex
- Not working anymore:
- Login in a telnet session as ‘root’
- Enable SSH (See details here: http://blog.e-nnov.fr/synology-dsm/service-ssh/#.VvlvaeJ95aQ)
- Use Putty to connect from Windows
- Login as ‘admin’
- Type sudo -i
- And enter again your admin password
- ‘homes’ link in /var/services is pointing at /volume1/@fake_home_link
- open a ssh session as root,
- do: rm homes
- and: ln -s /volume1/homes homes
- Access right to shared folders
- admin has no access anymore to various shared folders. Ex.: /volume1/homes/admin
- Go to DSM > Control Panel > User
- Edit the ‘admin’ account and got the the ‘permissions’ tab
- Reapply the access rights
Web Console.
- Doesn’t open anymore… It must now be accessed under the web path /webman/3rdparty, via its url: http://hades:5050/webman/3rdparty/webconsole/wc.cgi.
- I did a new package to start it automatically. See attachments at the bottom of this post. Once installed, open Web Console and change your password (default is “admin”) using the command: #users modify admin
- JDownloader (does not start anymore)
- Java Manager not installed anymore. It is replaced by the new Java package for a more convenient installation procedure.
- Edit the file S99jdownloader.sh to replace “/volume1/@appstore/JavaManager/Java/bin/java” by “/usr/local/bin/java”
- In that file also change the path to create the pid file into a folder where admin is granted write access !
- Login into a ssh session and enter the root mode (sudo -i)
- Execute “rm /var/run/S99jdownloader.pid”
- Check that all files in /volume1/@appstore/jdownloader belong to ‘admin’
- Exit the root mode
- Execute “sh S99downloader.sh start”
- Check the output in the nohup.out file
- Filebot does not run anymore
- Reinstall the “Unofficial Java Installer”
- FileBot Node does not start anymore
- Uninstall filebot and filebot-node
- Uninstall node.js and java 8
- Delete all the old scheduled tasks related to filebot
- Delete the input and the output folders (where media files to be renamed are located)
- Recreate empty input and output folders (as admin – via the File Station, not as root)
- CTRL-F5 in the browser to fully refresh DSM
- Install the unofficial java installer of RedNoah + node.js v4
- Install filebot (version from Package Center) and filebot-node (the version filebot-node-0.2.0-B1-noarch of RedNoah)
- If it does still not run, test it via a SSH
- login as admin
- DO NOT RUN ANYTHING AS ROOT. So, don’t execute: sudo -i
- cd /var/packages/filebot-node/target/
- ./start
- Check the errors returned by this command if any
- Check also the logs: cat /var/log/messages
- filebot-node is installed in /volume1/@appstore/filebot-node with
- a sytmbolic link from /var/packages/filebot-node/target/ and
- a symbolic link from /usr/local/filebot-node
- filebot-node schedule a task to run its command /usr/local/filebot-node/task xxx where xxx is the id of a task defined into /volume1/@appstore/filebot-node/data/task/xxx.argsp
- AcpiOnLan (DSM SSO login not working anymore)
- the port to access DSM in admin mode (required to do a login via the page /webman/login.cgi) is not anymore stored in /etc/synoinfo.conf with the key secure_admin_port or admin_port respectively for http and https. AcpiOnLan was fetching the port in that file. Instead, AcpiOnLan must now fetches external_port_dsm_https or external_port_dsm_http
- WordPress
- After the update of WordPress, as usually, I had to save (although not changed) the current option selected in the “Settings” > “Permalink Settings” otherwise no page was accessible anymore via permalinks (as returned by google search).
- The automated WordPress update failed to complete. I should have enabled ftp first. I did a manual upgrade.. But the problem was most probably with the owner of the files… (See next)
- Upgrading plugins didn’t work either… But this problem was solved by executing, as root: chown -R http:http /volume1/web/wordpress
- Login in a telnet session as ‘root’
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