Category: Tips

  • Download your Google Photos and Videos using JDownloader

    I have 1TB of videos and photos stored on Google Photos. As nowadays, the only export option is Takeout, as explained here, it’s a real pain in the ass to download all of them…

    Fortunately, one option of Takeout, is to get a copy in your Google Drive. And then, you can easily download all your exported data using the free JDownloader as it support “Google Drive” 🙂

    First, take notes that the export from Google Photo to Google Drive will consume space. If you have 1TB of photos and videos, your need 1TB free on your Google Drive account !!! This is THE big limitation of this solution….

    But assuming that you have enough free space, then GO: open Takeout and create a new Export that includes Google Photo (or anything else you want to export):

    Click on Next Step, where you will be able to choose Google Drive as destination. I would suggest also to select 50 GB as File size.

    Now, you have to wait until the export is ready. You will receive an email

    Once notified that your export is ready, go and check in your Google Drive (Do with with Chrome). You should find a folder “Takeout” that contains all the zip file exported from Google Photo :

    Install the Chrome Extension named “EditThisCookie” (available here on the Chrome Web Store) and Export the cookie of Google Drive (it will be copied into the clipboard).

    Now, open JDownload, go to the Settings > Account Manager and Add the Hoster “”, pasting the cookie exported into the clipboard (The name is not important).

    Once this new Hoster saved, you should now see this:

    To avoid that this cookie expires, clear all cookies in Chrome (CTRL-Shift-Del). If you access Google Drive later, it will send you a new cookie but won’t expires the previous one (deleted).

    Now, keeping JDownloader opened (to grap the links when you copy them into your clipboard), go to Google Drive and Copy the Links one by, using the menu (tree vertical dots) > Share > Copy Link

    Each time you copy a link, it should be captured by JDownloader (it’s an option enabled by default) and you can start download the file.

    In case you get an error on the downloads, go back to the “Account Manager”. The cookie possibly expired (Right Click > Refresh it to be sure). You have to redo the operation and then “Force Download Start” on the files to resume the downloads…

    It’s far from perfect, but “voilà”.


  • Green screen within Synology Surveillance’s records

    If you have a green screen when watching records of Synology Surveillance Station on your mobile phone, or tablet, and are using H.264 compression, then simply disable the “H.264 hardware decoding”.

    Do you see something like this on your mobile ?

    Open the “DS Cam” App, click on the “three horizontal lines” top-left icon, and then on the gear icon:

    There, disable the “Hardware decoding”:

    Now, the image should be fine:

    Et voilà.


  • Cannot pair Aqara or other Zigbee devices with Homey Pro?

    Pairing Aqara device (Zibgee) with Homey can sometimes be frustrating. And it’s actually the same with other Hubs… Here is my trick : keep the device awake by pressing shortly on the button every 5 sec.

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    Usually, to pair an Aqara device (Zigbee) with your hub, you need to press the reset button until it starts flashing (usually 5 or 8 seconds depending on the model). However, often, nothing happens, and your hub will report that the pairing failed, even though you were close to the hub and made sure there were no Bluetooth devices communicating in the nearby area.

    In such cases, after the reset (explained above), press and release immediately the reset button once every 5 seconds. This will keep the device awake and maximize the chance of a successful pairing.

    Notice: Aqara devices are built by Lumi United Technology. Lumi is also producing the devices of Xiaomi. So, this trick is valid for most of them (and most ZigBee devices on battery)


  • Use Gmail antispam with an OVH Mail Pro mailbox

    This is probably a dirty trick, but it works. All my emails are passed through a gmail intermediary mailbox, where Spams are deleted and remaining emails are forwared to my OVH mailbox.

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    As partially explained here, I used to have a mailbox “MyUser@MyDomain” in a MX Plan of OVH to store all my emails and an email address “MyAddress@MyDomain” which was a redirection to a gmail mailbox “” (People are sending me emails only on “MyAddress@MyDomain”).

    All emails passed to “” are filtered (antispam), forwarded into my mailbox “MyUser@MyDomain” and archived at gmail (so a “backup” is kept there).

    My Outlook used to be configured with IMAP to fetch emails from “MyUser@MyDomain” and SMTP to sent emails “From: MyAddress@MyDomain”

    Unfortunately, mailboxes of MX Plan at OVH are limited to 5GB. So, I decided to migrate my mailbox “MyUser@MyDomain” to a “Mail Pro” account at OVH.

    First, while doing so, very important, I had to define the domain as “non-authoritative”  in the “Mail Pro” account !!! Otherwise, the “Redirections” defined in the MX Plan won’t work anymore.

    Next, I configured my new Mail Pro account in Outlook (NB.: this account, migrated from the MX Plan, still has the same name: “MyUser@MyDomain”). Unfortunately, once this Mail Pro account configured in Outlook, I couldn’t sent email “From: MyAddress@MyDomain” anymore. The reason is that “Mail Pro” does not know “MyAddress@MyDomain” which is defined in the MX Plan. Sending emails via the account “MyUser@MyDomain” but “From: MyAddress@MyDomain” is therefore considered as Spoofing by Mail Pro (NB.: it’s not the case within a MX Plan).

    If you don’t care about the gmail antispam filtering anymore, then you can simply:

    • Delete the Redirection “MyAddress@MyDomain” from the MX Plan.
    • Wait for 30 sec, to be sure the delete is executed.
    • Create an Alias “MyAddress@MyDomain” in your Mail Pro (it will fail if the delete is not yet executed. If this occurs, retry)

    To, instead, keep the mechanism above in place:

    • Create a new mailbox in the MX Plan, with simply 50MB, going to be used only to send emails via SMTP: “MyMail@MyDomain”
    • Configure Outlook:
      • To use “MyAddress@MyDomain” as “From”
      • IMAP with the account of Mail Pro (“MyUser@MyDomain”)
      • SMTP with the account of MX Plan (“MyMail@MyDomain”)

    It results into this schema:

    Disclaimer: an SME from the community OVH reports that not only OVH is sometimes blocking outgoing emails without notifications (as those are considered as Spams, but also Gmail is rejecting many incoming emails with unclear explanation for most standard users. As a consequence, some/many (?) emails could be “silently lost” with the mechanism above….


  • Insta360 Studio crashes immediately when exporting


    After upgrading to the version 4.9.1, from Insta360 Studio started to crash immediately after pressing the export button. A downgrade to 4.8.4 didn’t solve the issue. But using “CPU” instead of “Auto” as “Image Processing Acceleration” did the trick !

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    I was expecting an issue with the Codecs and so I did first untick all the options enabled by default in related tab of the User Preference

    But that didn’t help. So I tried next to set “CPU” instead of “Auto” for “Image Processing Acceleration” in the Hardware Acceleration tab. And it solved the problem.

    I didn’t find any information on that flag on Insta360 forum…


    NB: the error message from Insta360 when trying to export the video was something like : Error Code 1024


  • How to identify a USB device

    You found a USB device (a dongle or whatever) but have no idea what it is ? USBDeview is the tool to help you in identifying that device.

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    Here is what you must do to get information on your device:

    1. Download and store USBDeview on your PC
    2. In the same folder, store this file with an unofficial list of USB devices
    3. Run USBDeview and in the “View” menu, “Choose Columns”
    4. Sort the Columns to have: Device Name, Description, Device Type, Drive Letter, Serial Number, Registry Time 1 and 2, VendorID, ProductID, InstanceID
    5. Plug your USB device into your PC
    6. Look for the latest updated USB device in USBDeview (sorting on the column “Registry Time”). This is your device to be identified (you see several lines with the same timestamp, VendorID and ProductID)

    You can also get extra information on this web site, searching for the VendorID and ProductID. You can also use there software, temple, to find the name of the vendor if it was unknown for USBDeview: Run Temple and filter on the VendorID or ProductID to highlight the device (DO NOT TYPE ENTER, as it close temple). Ex.: for the ProductID 1701 here above, with an unknow vendor, Temple tell us that it is “Lester Electrical”:

    Does “Lester Electrical” ring a bell for you ? Then you found what’s this dongle.

    In many cases unfortunately, you can’t do any link between the vendor of the hardware (in the usb device) and what this device is actually used for. Here above, I finally figured out that this was the wireless dongle to connect one of my mini keyboard Rii mini i8 imported from China by RiiTek. But there was really no link between both…


  • Nvidia : how to force detection of a Missing Display ?

    It happens regularly that my PC does not detect all of my 3 displays when starting. There are several options to fix this: reboot the PC, use Ctrl+WinKey+Shift+B, unplug and replug the cable of the missing display, or force Nvidia to detect that missing display.

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    For the last option:

    1. Run the NVIDIA Control Panel
    2. Select “Set up multiple displays”
    3. Click “My display is not show”
    4. Turn off and on again your display
    5. Click “Rigorous Display Detection”


    In many cases, the only option working fine is however to unplug and replug the cable of the missing display :/


  • Setting distinct email user account and email address in Outlook

    Initially, with Outlook 2021, I couldn’t set my email account to use an email address “From” as I used to do it. All emails were sent from “MyUser@MyDomain on behalf of MyAddress@MyDomain”. To sent the mail from “MyAddress@MyDomain”, I had to configure my account via the email “Manage Profile” menu.

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    I want to send my emails with “MyAddess@MyDomain” as a From, without specifying explicitly this address as “Reply To” (Because I want the recipients to see “MyAddress@MyDomain” as origin of my emails).

    But the account to login into my mailbox, at my domain provider, is “MyUser@MyDomain”.

    The reason is that I have configured “MyAddress@MyDomain” to be a forward to “”. And I have configured an autoforward of “” to “MyUser@MyDomain”. Doing so, I benefit of the gmail anti-spam and I have a copy in gmail of all my emails (just in case of DRP at my provider).

    So, a mail sent to me (MyAddress@MyDomain) is actually passed to Google ( before being forwarded into my mailbox (MyUser@MyDomain) as illustrated here under.

    The issue is that it’s not possible to configure Outlook 2021 to send email from “MyAddress” while connecting to the mailbox “MyUser” with its new configuration wizard.

    This new configuration wizard can be accessed via File > Account Settings > New :

    Even if you tick the option “Advanced options”, you will not be able to configure distinct “email address” and “email account”, as in previous versions of Outlook. You will be able to change a edit the “Account Name” and few other options, but the best that you can do is sent an email from  your “email account” on behalf of your “email address”  (I.e.: from MyUser@MyDomain on behalf of MyAddress@MyDomain)


    The solution is to use instead : File > Manage Profiles > Email Accounts > New

    And then, configure your account as you used to do it in the past, with distinct “email address” and “user name” :

    Et voilà


  • Play Meta/Oculus VR Games with a HTC Vive VR headset

    My daughter wanted to play “Vader Immortal” which is only available on Meta Quest for Oculus, while I have a HTC Vive Pro 2.

    Installing “Revive” and starting the game from “VivePort” did the trick.

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    If you have an HTC Vive, you should have “VivePort” and “SteamVR” installed already. The issue is that VR Games for Oculus (Rift) are compatible with SteamVR, but not available in Steam for Vive. But as explained on the web, there are tricks…


    Download and install the “Oculus Rift Software” (using your old Oculus account, a Meta account or your Facebook account), but SKIP the hardware setup part !


    Next, download and install the latest stable release of “Revive“. Once installed, close its Dashboard.


    Then, open “Oculus” to install a free Game, for testing purpose.

    Go to Settings > Library Locations > Edit, to pick the folder where you want to store your games:

    Reminder: Just in case you want to use the same location as your games for Steam, this one can be found via Steam’s menu View > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders


    Go next into the Oculus Store > Top Free, and pick, for example, “Répulbique VR” to install it.


    Once installed, you will obviously not be able to run it from the Oculus Dashboard, as you don’t have any compatible hardware. Instead, run “Steam VR”:

    And keeping both “SteamVR” and “Oculus” opened,  rerun “Revive”

    In the Dashboard of “Revive”, you should see your Oculus games.

    Click once onto one to run it. If it starts but closes suddenly soon after (wait a minute to be sure that it’s definitively closed, as most games  “popup” again later) , run also “VivePort”:

    Just as a summary, you should now have SteamVR, Oculus, Revive and VivePort opened : 


    In VivePort, you should see your new Oculus Games

    If you do not see them, close SteamVR, Oculus, Revive and VivePort (via the SysTray menu !!) and restart them: SteamVR, Oculus, Revive and VivePort. Also double check that your heaset and two remotes are turned on.

    Start the games from there. At least for me, they just runs fine. Only when run from Revive, they “auto-close” themselves without any notification.

    [PS: check the list of compatible games vader]

    Et voilà,


  • JBL Link 20 and 300 having crunchy, crackling, static pop noise

    Since I am using a mesh network (based on TP-Link Deco M9 plus) I started to have more and more crackling noise on both my JBL Link 20 and 300, even if located very close to the repeaters. The only solution is to reset the JBL.

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    It’s a very common issue, due to the “Wifi stability”, not only experienced with the TP-Link Deco M9 Plus (quich are actually quite good for their purpose) and even not only with the JBL (Read these posts).

    I have read a lot of posts on this issue and none could help. it has been useless to update the firmware, to open the devices and apply the tricks and tips found on the web, …

    The only trick, which work immediatly, is to reset the JBL and reconfigure it in Google Home. Next, it works like a charm.. for quite some time (months in my case)… but at the end, the crackling noise come back and you have to reset again.

    To reset the JBL Link 300, hold both the “Bluetooth” and the “Volume up” buttons for up to 20 seconds (until you see the “Mute” button becoming orange) as ilustrated on the video here after. Next wait until you the JBL has rebooted and open Google Home to reconfigure it.

    To reset the JBL Link 20, hold the “Mute” button for up to 10 sec until the Wifi led switch off. Next hold both the “Mute” and “Power” buttons for about 20 seconds (until it restarts) as ilustrated on the video here after. Next wait until you the JBL has rebooted and open Google Home to reconfigure it.
