Here is how to install Composer on a Synology, required among other to install various php applications available on GitHub, like the “Simple SPK Server“.
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To install Composer, the following extensions must be loaded into php: curl, openssl and phar.
Connect into your DSM, open the Web Station via the Main Menu and enter the PHP Settings. There, select first the “PHP version” = “PHP 5.6”, tick the Extensions: curl, openssl and phar, and click Apply. Next, do the same for the “PHP version” = “PHP 7.0”.
Configuring extensions for php as illustrated above is only valid for the WebStation.
Open a SSH Console via Putty, log in as an administrator and enter next the root mode.
To load extensions into php, their respective php.ini file must be updated manually (Ex.: Edit them from a SSH console using VI). Path to php.ini are:
- php70: /usr/local/etc/php50/php.ini
- php73: /usr/local/etc/php73/cli/php.ini
In php ini, under the section [PHP] add the following lines
extension = extension = extension =
To install Composer, use following commands:
cd /usr/local/bin
curl -s | php70
This should display the following message:
All settings correct for using Composer
Composer (version 1.3.1) successfully installed to: /usr/local/bin/composer.phar
Use it: php composer.phar
On Synology, php is not the command to use to run Composer. Instead, one should use php56 or php70. Ex.:
php70 composer.phar –version
To make use of it more easily, you can create a script. Use the command vi
vi composer
Enter the modification mode by typing the letter “i”.
Type the following text:
php56 /usr/local/bin/composer.phar $*
Press ‘Esc’ to quit the modification mode.
To write the changes and quit vi, type next “:wq” (without the quotes).
Make the script executable with the following command:
chmod +X composer
Try now:
composer –version
Et voilà.
- The following command can also be used to install ‘composer’ with the ‘php’ command: curl -sS | php — –install-dir=/usr/local/bin –filename=composer
- The following command can be used to update ‘composer’ : sudo composer self-update
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