Installing git on Synology using IPKG is really easy.
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Install first IPKG as explained here and, in the ssh console, run next as root: ipkg install git
You can also simply install it using ipkgGui. That’s even much easier than using a ssh console 😉
Now, you can use the command git in a ssh console…
Ex.: first thing you should do is to set up your name and email by typing:
git config –global <your_email>
git config –global <your_name>
To clone a remote projet, in a local folder, type:
cd /<some_local_path>/
git clone<user-name>/<repository>.git –branch <remote_branch-name>
where “remote_branch-name” is a branch like “master”, “develop”, …
The URL can be found using the “Clone or download” button of any GitHub project (See “Clone with HTTPS”).

To update that project with a specific branch, type e.g.:
git fetch origin develop
Documentation can be found here.
NB.: To install Git Server, look here
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