Schedule a Backup of all your MySQL databases on Synology

It would be a good idea to schedule a daily backup of all the MySQL databases on your Synology. Those will indeed be wiped out if by accident, you have to reset your NAS (reinstall the firmware), ex.: if you lose a disk in your RAID 0.

That can be done using a shell script and a cron job as described here after.

How to Backup

First, create a user with a local-read-only access on the databases. We will indeed have to let its password in the script, endangering the security. Using a local-read-only user will mitigate the risks.

  1. Go to the web administration interface (DSM) of your NAS.
  2. Install phpMYAdmin via the “Package Center” if not yet done.
  3. Open phpMyAdmin via the “Start Menu” (“Main Menu”).
    1. I am using the login ‘root’ with the password of Syno’s ‘admin’ user
  4. Open the “Users” tab in phpMyAdmin
  5. Click “Add User” (bellow the list of existing users)
  6. Enter the User Name. Ex.: backup
  7. Select “localhost” as an Host.
  8. Enter a password. Ex.: mysql
  9. Keep “none” as “Database for user”
  10. Grant the user with Global privileges: Select (in Data) and Reload, Show Databases and Lock Tables (in Administration)
  11. Click “Add User” at the botton of the page

Next, create a shell scripts in a Shared Folder of the NAS (Ex.: \volume1\backup\ Working in a Shared Folder will make it easier for you to copy/open later the backups from your PC). Don’t forget to create a “Unix” file, either using the touch command in a Console or saving a file As a “Unix shell script” within Notepad++. Notice that a script created with NotePad++ and saved on the Shared Folder will belong to the user account accessing that Shared Folder (Most probably your Windows Account if like me you simply created a user on your NAS with the same login and password). A script created with “touch” in a Console will belong to the user accessing the NAS via telnet/SSH (Most probably the “root” account).

DATESTAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)

# create backup dir if it does not exist
mkdir -p ${DIR}

# remove backups older than $DAYS_KEEP
#find ${DIR}* -mtime +$DAYS_KEEP -exec rm -f {} \; 2> /dev/null

# remove all backups except the $KEEP latest
BACKUPS=`find ${DIR} -name 'mysqldump-*.gz' | wc -l | sed 's/\ //g'`
while [ $BACKUPS -ge $KEEP ]
  ls -tr1 ${DIR}mysqldump-*.gz | head -n 1 | xargs rm -f
  BACKUPS=`expr $BACKUPS - 1`

# create backups securely
#umask 006

# dump all the databases in a gzip file
/usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump --user=$DB_USER --password=$DB_PASS --opt --all-databases --flush-logs | gzip >> $FILENAME

NB: Since DSM 6.0, “/usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump” has been moved to “/bin/mysqldump” !!!

Possibly, type the following command in a Console (telnet/SSH) to set the user ‘root’ as owner of the script:

[shell]chown root /volume1/backup/[/shell]

IMPORTANT notice: I used to have “-u DB_USER” (with a blank space in between) in my script above and -“p$DB_USER” (without a blank) instead of –user and –password. But a reader (Fredy) reported that the script was not running fine for him unless removing the blank. As per documentation of mysqldump’s user parameter and password parameter, there should be a blank after -u but not after -p. However, samples on the web usually illustrate the use of mysqldump with “-uroot”. So, I decided to use the more explicit notation “–user=” and “–password=”. I did test this notation with a wrong username or password and the resulting dump is indeed empty. With the correct username and password, it works fine.

Since DSM 4.2, the Task Scheduler can be used to run the script on a daily basis.

  1. Go to the Start Menu
  2. Open the Control Panel
  3. In the “Application Settings”, open the Task Scheduler
  4. Select “Create a User-Defined Script”
  5. Type a name for that “Task:”
  6. Keep the “User:” root
  7. In the “Run Command” pane, type:
    sh /volume1/backup/

Don’t forget the “sh” in front of your command, otherwise, it does not work (although the sample provided by Synology is missing it ?!)

If you don’t use the Task Scheduler, you can add a Cron Job to execute the script, e.g. every day at 0:01. Open a Console (Telnet/SSH) and type:

[shell]echo "1       0       *       *       *       root    sh /volume1/backup/" >> /etc/crontab[/shell]

FYI, a cron line syntax is “mm hh dd MMM DDD user task” where:

  • mm is the minute (0..59)
  • hh is the hour (0..23)
  • dd is the day in the month (1..31)
  • MMM is the month (jan, feb, … or 1..12)
  • DDD is the day in the week (sun, mon, … or 0..7 where 0 and 7 beeing both sunday)

The following values can also be used:

  • * : a every unit (0, 1, 2, 3, 4…)
  • 5,8 : at unit 5 et 8
  • 2-5 : units 2 to 5 (2, 3, 4, 5)
  • */3 : every 3 units (0, 3, 6, 9…)
  • 10-20/3 : every 3 units, from 10th to 20th (10, 13, 16, 19)

So, the script will start every day at 0:01h

Finally, you must restart the cron daemon to activate the new job. To find the process id and send a SIGHUP signal to this one, type the following command line in a Console (Telnet/SSH):

[shell]ps | grep crond | grep -v grep | awk '{print$1}' | xargs -t kill -HUP[/shell]

It should display “Kill -HUP xxxx” where xxx is the pid of the cron daemon.

Added on 03/01/2013

Attention: if you copy paste the command to restart the cron daemon from this page into the telnet console, some symbols will be wiped out: the ‘{ and ‘ around print$1… you have to type them manually…

Attention: if you upgrade the version of DSM, the changes made in the cron script are lost (at least, it’s what I have noticed after updating last month…). Reason why I recommend to use the new “Task Scheduler” feature available since DSM 4.2.

Tip to edit the cron script: you can use the package “Config File Editor” available here. Once installed, you can access it via the Main Menu. Then, you have to edit the file named “Config File Editor” and add the following line:


Once this line is added and saved, … I don’t remember how to force the change to be taken into account :/. But restarting the DiskStation is enough 😀

Finally, back into the Config File Editor, select the ‘crontab’ entry and modify this script, save your changes and restart the cron daemon.

Tip to restart the cron daemon: you can use the package “MODS Web Console” available here. To install it, go to the Package Center and add the following url via the Settings > Package Sources : Once this url added, go to the tab “Community” and click Install on the “MODS Web Console” icon.

Run the Web Console via the Main Menu, log in with “admin”/”admin” (The defaults values if not changed) and type:

synoservice --restart crond

Added on 01/12/2013

If you want a lazy solution to notify the Administrator about the success or failure of the backup, you can use the ‘synonotify’ command (See details here). A more advanced solution would be to configure the “Mail Server” and use its ‘sendmail’ command:  /volume1/@appstore/MailServer/sbin/sendmail…

Added on 08/01/2017

mysqldump has moved

  • DSM 6.0 : /usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump
  • MariaDB 5: /volume1/@appstore/MariaDB/usr/bin/mysqldump
    MariaDB 10: /volume1/@appstore/MariaDB10/usr/local/mariadb10/bin/mysqldump

How to Restore

To do a full restore, simply:

  1. Copy the archive (.gz) you plan to restore on your local PC
  2. Go to “phpyMyAdmin” > “Import” > “Chose File” (next to Browse your computer).
  3. Select the .gz file to be restored
  4. Press “Go” at the bottom of the page (no need to change any settings)

Pay attention: this is a complete restore, I.e.: all databases are dropped and recreated from scratch.

If you want to be able to restore a subset of your databases you better have to change the script to backup specific databases instead of –all-database.

If you want to restore only one table ‘mytable’ from the backup ‘mysqldump-datetime.gz’:

  1. Unzip first the archive: gunzip mysqldump-datetime.gz
  2. Then extract the part that restore the desired table with this command: sed -n -e ‘/DROP TABLE.*mytable/,/UNLOCK TABLES;/p’ mysqldump-datetime > mytabledump

Download the script here.




56 responses to “Schedule a Backup of all your MySQL databases on Synology”

  1. Valery Letroye Avatar

    Instead of scheduling the backup manually in the crontab file, a task can be created via the new Task Scheduler of DSM 4.2… It’s far easier as this tool restart automatically the cron daemon 🙂

    I have updated my post with this info.

    Notice however that I had to type explicitly “sh” in front of the script to make it work as a Scheduled Task…

    Also, I am now using “Time Backup” to backup “/volume1/backup/sqlbackup/” every day onto a USB key which stays plugged 24/7 on the Synology. Works like a charm too.

  2. Paul Avatar

    Thanks for posting this. Unfortunately when I tried to run the task it created the sqlbackup folder but no backup files. Just a folder icon with no name and no files within it. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Using DSM v4.2.

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      Do you use the new Task Scheduler to run the script ?
      Possibly try to run the script manually for diagnostic purpose:

      – Open a cmd prompt on your PC and execute:telnet your_syno_address
      – login as “root” with your admin password and execute: sh /volume1/backup/

      Do you see any dump now in the output folder or any error displayed by the shell ?

      1. Paul Avatar

        It reports not found backup’s for lines 7,10 and 14, but those are the spaces in your script above, so shouldn’t be a problem. Then says:
        “No such file or directory //volume1/backup/backupMySql/.sh: Line 30 : syntax error : unexpected end of file (expecting “do”)”

        1. Paul Avatar

          OK, I tried vi and there were a lot of bogus ^M’s at the end of each line. So I think there must be a translation error when copying in the script. Having removed those and re-running the script it does create a mysqldump.gz file but only of 20 bytes. The shell says:
          “error 1045: Access denied for user backup@localhost (using password : YES) when trying to connect”

          1. Valery Letroye Avatar

            Check that you selected “Local” as an Host for your ‘backup’ user. In phpMyAdmin, you should see ‘localhost’ in the column ‘Client’ for this user. If you did, try to reset/change the password of this user.

  3. Sylvain Avatar

    Great little script ! Work like a charm on the first test.

  4. Ulrich Avatar

    thanks for your script, but i have still problems…
    telnet: no such file or directory
    after start the script, the new folder sql is added, but its empty

    is there a solution?


    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      Did you read the remark from Paul. He had the same issue and this was due to the Copy/Paste of the script from this blog. Be sure that you use notepad++ to paste the script into a file created with the “touch” command. Doing so, the encoding should be correct.

  5. Per-Åke Franklind Avatar
    Per-Åke Franklind

    It works perfect, just one question.

    How do you backup images? I did a test to re-install and it worked except for broken links for images.

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      Actually, when I have new pictures, I copy them from my PC on the NAS and next on my backup server (which is not on 24/7. I turn it only on purpose).

      But I could schedule a backup directly from the NAS on the backup server using the native backup/restore feature of Synology – either with an rsync service installed on my server or with the Sync Shared Folder feature. In both cases, you can select the various shared folders to be backuped, e.g. video, photo, …

      1. Per-Åke Franklind Avatar
        Per-Åke Franklind

        Hmmm but it looks like you also are using the upload function in Media Library. Image url for your images are like /wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/xxx.jpg

        So even if I put all images in a folder like /volume1/web/image/ before uploading I still have the problem with broken URL links after a fresh installation, or have I misunderstood something (still a beginner)

        1. Valery Letroye Avatar

          Sorry, I didn’t understand that you were talking about those pictures in particular. In my case they are backuped as part of the “web” shared folder of Synology. I.e.: With all customisations done on WordPress style sheets, etc… (WordPress is a sub-folder of the “Web” folder)
          So, I don’t understand why you have broken links after restoring the shared folder “web”… I admit I didn’t try to restore yet. As I recently discovered how to setup DSM in a virtual machine, I could do that to test a restore of a full backup.

          1. Per-Åke Franklind Avatar

            Y, this folder and sub folders must be incl. in backup

            I’m about to test BackUpWordPress plugin, this pluging backup the complete wordpress folder and/or database to a zip file.

            1) save X no of backup in another folder on Synology (for easy access)
            2) backup this folder to my external WD notebook

  6. ward Avatar

    Worked like a charm. Thanks!
    I have a virtual webserver next to my Synology NAS. The VDI is backed up to the NAS on a daily basis. The www dir is mounted to the NAS with NFS and now I was able to put the database on the NAS also. This will give me full backup ability. Next step will be a backup over the internet to a remote NAS

  7. Gary Avatar

    Thanks for the script and detailed instructions! It worked like a charm on my DSM4.3 system. Cheers!

  8. Guido Avatar

    It works really well on my DS213. I’m not good in Linux so I would like to ask you, is it possible to send een e-mail if backup is oke or not.

    Thank you

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      It’s possible and there are several options: using the command ‘sendmail’ (/volume1/@appstore/MailServer/sbin/sendmail) and the ‘Mail Server’ of Synology to be installed via the Package Center, using a client mail to be installed with ipkg, etc …

      But if you are not comfortable with Linux, I would suggest you to use the same tool as Synology to send notifications. It’s great IMO as you will get both an email AND a notification popup in your DiskStation UI.

      First, be sure that you have configured your Synology to send notifications: “Control Panel” > “Notification” > “GeneralE-Mail” > “Enable e-mail notifications”.

      Then in the backup script, depending on the result of the dump, you can use:
      /usr/syno/bin/synonotify DatabaseBackupFailed
      /usr/syno/bin/synonotify DatabaseBackupCompleted

      In a shell, the variable “$?” equals “0” if the last command was successful. So, your script could end with something like this:
      if [ $? -eq 0 ]
      then /usr/syno/bin/synonotify DatabaseBackupCompleted
      else /usr/syno/bin/synonotify DatabaseBackupFailed

      ‘synonotify’ is the tool of Synology I have mentionned.

      ‘DatabaseBackupFailed’ and ‘DatabaseBackupFinished’ are two ‘tags’ that you must define in the file /usr/syno/synoman/webman/texts/enu/mails (you possibly have to replace ‘enu’ by your own language: ‘nld’ I presume ?)

      For each of those two new tags, you have to follow the syntax that you can see for existing tags in that file. I.e.: each tag must be between brackets and followed by something like:
      – a line with: Category: Backup/Restore
      – a line with: Title: Database backup
      – a line with: Subject: Database backup on %HOSTNAME% is successfull
      – and finally some text…

      As soon as I have some free time, I will implement that for myself and write a post with the details. All info here above is ‘theoretical’.

      1. Guido Avatar

        Thanks for the answer. I will try to sort this out with the explanation above.
        (nld is correct!)


        1. Valery Letroye Avatar

          More details on how to proceed here: /wordpress/send-custom-email-notifications-from-scripts-running-on-a-synology/

  9. Fredy Avatar

    I do have the same problem as Paul and Ulrich.
    Mei GZ file extracted is size 0.
    I did create the file witch “touch” and edited in Notepad++ – no change.
    could you please help.
    Thank you.

    1. Fredy Avatar

      Got it
      Problem seemed to be the -u $DB_USER
      Should be -u$DB_USER with no space between -u and $DB_USER

      1. Valery Letroye Avatar

        Really weird… I just checked my own script which is running fine and export all my DB’s every day, and there is a blank space between -u and $DB_USER… But if I remove the blank space, the script still run fines too.

        As per documentation of “mySqlDump”, there should be a blank space? So I did update my script to use the notation –user=… and –password=… which is not as ambiguous.

        1000 thx for reporting your finding!

  10. jap2slow Avatar

    nice work!!

    how can i set it up to do only some databases?

    i dont what all my sql, only 2

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      You should backup each database and add the backups into a “tar” before compressing this “tar” into a “gz”.
      But I presume that you are asking as you are not familiar with Linux ?!
      So, the easiest will be to backup each database in a separated “gz”.

      Remove the line with “/usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump” and replace it with:

      /usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump –user=$DB_USER –password=$DB_PASS –opt –database your_database1 –flush-logs | gzip > ${DIR}mysqldump-${DATESTAMP}.database1.gz
      /usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump –user=$DB_USER –password=$DB_PASS –opt –database your_database2 –flush-logs | gzip >> ${DIR}mysqldump-${DATESTAMP}.database2.gz

      As you will have two backups per day, you will also have to replace “KEEP=5” with “KEEP=10”

  11. Matthias Fröb Avatar
    Matthias Fröb

    Thx a lot. Your detailed instructions helped me very much.

    1. Matthias Fröb Avatar
      Matthias Fröb

      How can I test to restore the database?

      1. Valery Letroye Avatar

        I did add a paragraph at the end of the post to explain how to restore…

        Hope it helps !

        1. Matthias Fröb Avatar
          Matthias Fröb

          thx a lot for Your very usefull instructions

          1. Matthias Fröb Avatar
            Matthias Fröb

            I have got an further question: Can I encrypt the backup or at least secure it with a password? How would that alter the restore process?

          2. Valery Letroye Avatar

            Unfortunately gzip does not support password encryption.

            The safest solution would be to insert an encryption command (based on public/private certificates) between sqldump and gzip.
            But if its ok for you, I would simply suggest to add 2 extra steps to encrypt with the ‘zip’ command and delete the original file.

            /usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump –user=$DB_USER –password=$DB_PASS –opt –all-databases –flush-logs | gzip > $FILENAME
            zip -j –password $ $FILENAME
            rm $FILENAME

            It’s not great as your password is visible in the script. but at least, you need nothing more than your password to extract the dump (.gz) with any standard unzip tool installed on your PC.

  12. Wall Avatar

    Thanks for the script works great 😉

    Do you have one for backup mails, i’m running an mail server on my Synology nas.

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      Unfortunately no, as I am not (yet) using the mail server…

  13. Patrick Avatar

    I followd the instructions above, but I receive a syntax error:

    syntax error: unexpected end of file (expecting “)”)

    Line 29:
    /usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump –user=$DB_USER –password=$DB_PASS –opt –all-databases –flush-logs | gzip > $FILENAME

    What can be the error?

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      Possibly an issue when copying text from my blog into your text file… WordPress is displaying double dash as a long dash (–), it transforms quotes, etc… And so, it results in errors like yours.

      To make it easy, here is a link to download a copy of mine. Simply set your own USER and PASS:


  14. parajesus Avatar

    Hey Folks,

    For my DSM
    Model Name: DS214se
    Current DSM version: DSM 5.1-5021 Update 2
    DSM date: 2014/12/24
    I had to replace the the shell line in the script to:

    Apart from that minor change works magnificent!
    Thanks Pal!

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      Thx for sharing that info! I will fix my script.

      I don’t even know why I did set bash (except out of habit) :/
      ‘ash’ is indeed the default root shell…

      The shebang line is only required if the script is used “as an executable”.
      In my case, I run it with the command sh /volume1/backup/ (also ouf of habit)
      So, the shebang line is ignored (as far as I know).

  15. isaacku Avatar

    How can I restore databases over 1.8gb

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      1.8GB is a limit of phpMyAdmin.

      You can try, via a shell, to execute: mysql -p -u[user] [database] < mysqldump

  16. Seren Avatar

    I seem to be having an issue with the DATESTAMP in that it adds a space at the end of the stamp, and prior to any other characters, corrupting the file. Any ideas on what could/would cause that? (scheduled task is running fine/without issues – other than the file unread, it I remove the datestamp information entirely, all is well.

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      Sorry, no… this doesn’t ring any bell with me :/

  17. Matthias Avatar

    Hi great script! Thanks

    Rewrote last part a bit to save DB’s individually

    databases=`mysql –user=$DB_USER –password=$DB_PASS -e “SHOW DATABASES;” | tr -d “| ” | grep -v Database`
    for db in $databases; do
    if [[ “$db” != “information_schema” ]] && [[ “$db” != _* ]] ; then
    mysqldump –force –opt –user=$DB_USER –password=$DB_PASS –databases $db > $DIR/$DATESTAMP/dbbackup-$DATESTAMP-$db.sql
    gzip $DIR/dbbackup-$DATESTAMP-$db.sql

  18. parti78 Avatar

    This script works for you DSM under 6?

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      I just upgraded my NAS to DSM 6.0 and this script does not run anymore (out of the box). I will investigate.
      The reason is that “/usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump” has been moved to “/bin/mysqldump”. I did update my script and it works now fine.

      1. parti78 Avatar

        Thanks it works!

  19. Dax Avatar

    Great stuff!! Thank you soooo much!

  20. Valery Letroye Avatar

    For your information, new path of mysqldump when installed with:
    MariaDB 5: /volume1/@appstore/MariaDB/usr/bin/mysqldump
    MariaDB 10: /volume1/@appstore/MariaDB10/usr/local/mariadb10/bin/mysqldump

    1. Nicholas Avatar

      It’s so annoying how Synology keep on changing this location. Thank you for your script! It’s a life save and save me about $120 on software.

  21. Clifford Too Avatar
    Clifford Too

    thank valery. your script work. thanks for the great job

  22. Michal Avatar

    I see in your source:

    /usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump –user=$DB_USER –password=$DB_PASS –opt –all-databases –flush-logs | gzip &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; $FILENAME

    what means “&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;” ? That doesn’t work.

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      Sorry, but I don’t see that anywere ?!
      The script is : /usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump –user=$DB_USER –password=$DB_PASS –opt –all-databases –flush-logs | gzip > $FILENAME

      [Edit] ok, I see now… wordpress fucked my scripts… I will try to repair them asap.

  23. MikeAnt Avatar

    I havem this in path /usr/local/mariadb10/bin/mysqldump

  24. les Avatar

    have simple mysqldump script and it works from terminal. but within a script it errors with mysqldump cant find table.
    something with synology mysqldump .. or a permission .. ?
    using mysqldump in MariaDB mysql directory..

    1. Valery Letroye Avatar

      Could you copy/paste here your mysqldump line? How did you create the script (on Windows and then transfer to the Synology ?)

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