WordPress: Sort items in the Header using a Custom Menu

So far, I didn’t configure anything special in WordPress to get my “Home” menu and my various “pages” displayed in the header. I only had to customize WordPress to display a dropdow menu “Categories”. But to sort those items, I add to create a menu via the “Dashboard” > “Appearance” Menu.

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  1. Go to the “Dashboard”, open “Appearance” and select “Menus”.
  2. Create a new Menu. The name of that menu won’t be displayed in the blog
  3. Select that menu as “primary menu” in the “Theme locations” pane.
  4. Add the “Home” entry in that menu. It’s available in the “Pages” pane > “View all”
  5. Add other “Pages” and “Categories”.
  6. Sort them according to your needs.

Notice that using this feature, it’s easy to create one entry for each category. I don’t use this tip however to display all posts from one category. Instead, I create a custom page that displays only those posts. Doing so, I can customize further the display.





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