Category: Wordpress

  • Plugin “Move WordPress Comment” not working anymore

    I just noticed that this really great plugin “Move WordPress Comment” was failing when trying to move comments. Fortunately, the fix was easy.

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    This plugin is very useful when you started a discussion thread (I.e.: you reply on a comment), but the person does not answer on the last comment. Instead, he starts a new comment. In such a case, the plugin can be used to move his last comment under the last reply in the discussion thread;

    Example, here under, I could attach the second discussion thread under the last reply of the first discussion thread by typing the id #46705 of that last reply into the “parent comment” of the first comment #46719 of the second discussion thread and clicking “Move”.

    Unfortunately, this plugin is now returning an error “Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function wpdb::prepare()”

    The fix is really simple. Go to your WordPress Dashboard, under the menu “Plugins” and select the “Plugin Editor”.

    Next, in the top-right corner, set “select plugin to edit” = “Move WordPress Comment” and click “Select”.

    Then, go to line 63 or search for “prepare”. This methods requires 2 parameters. So, in the where clauses of the SQL Update statements, replace the variables by %s and move the variables into a second parameters.

    It should result into this:

    // move to different post
    if ( $postID != $oldpostID ) {
    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_post_ID=$postID WHERE comment_ID=%s;", "$commentID") );

    // Change post count
    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET comment_count=comment_count+1 WHERE ID=%s", "$postID" ) );
    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET comment_count=comment_count-1 WHERE ID=%s", "$oldpostID" ) );

    // move to different parent
    if ( $parentID != $commentID ) {
    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_parent=$parentID WHERE comment_ID=%s;", "$commentID" ) );

    Finally, click on “Update File”, at the bottom of the Plugin Editor.

    Et voilà,


  • Solve a 504 Gateway Time out nginx with WordPress on Synology

    Recently, accessing WordPress on my Synology started to result in “504 Gateway Time out nginx” errors.

    I found the solution here.

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    1. Open a ssh console using Putty as explained here.
    2. Enter root mode by typing: sudo -i
    3. cd /etc/nginx/
    4. chown -hR http:http conf.d/
    5. cd conf.d
    6. vi www.WordPress.conf
      1. Add: proxy_connect_timeout 600;
      2. Modify: proxy_read_timeout 600;


  • WordPress RewriteRule to “Redirect” after moving the blog

    I did reconfigure my Synology Web Stations to access my blog directly at instead of The problem was to redirect next the old pages still referenced by google onto their new address. Ex.: onto Using a RewriteRule did the trick.

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    Concretely, I did configure a Virtual Host in the Web Station

    WebStation VirtualHost

    Next, I did reconfigure wordpress’s wp-config.php by replacing:

    define(‘WP_SITEURL’, $pageURL . ‘/wordpress’);


    define(‘WP_SITEURL’, $pageURL’);

    Finally, I did remove “/wordpress” from all URL’s in my own posts. I didn’t use a Search & Replace plugin like the “Better Search and Replace” to do the update directly in the database. Instead, I did use the plugin “Broken Link Checker” to Bulk Edit broken URLs.

    Bulk Edit Broken URLIt took more time but was a much more “clean” approach as I only touched for sure broken links. (Notice: This Plugin runs in the background so you need patience for it to get the complete list of broken URLs. What’ really great is that for broken external links, it suggests the replacement by an archived version of the missing pages – via the WayBack Machine)

    WayBack Machine

    NB.: Here is another nice trick to list all broken URL’s in a website

    wget --spider -o /var/log/wget.log -e robots=off -w 1 -r -p http://<youraddress>

    Finally, I had to redirect all old pages still referenced on Google to their new location. The obvious solution was to use a RewriteRule to be added in the .htaccess file used by WordPress (In my case, in /var/services/web/wordpress/.htaccess). Unfortunately, it took me hours to find the trick as, instead of reading the whole apache’s RewriteEngine documentation, I tried to figure out myself how to do it, based on samples found on the web.

    Finally, I read these french documentations:

    And it’s only by reading the documentation about the flag that I understood the need to use the special flag [R] (I already tried at least more than 20 various rules before understanding I had to specify the flag R(edirect)…)

    So, here it is: RewriteRule ^wordpress/(.*)$ /$1 [R,L]

    • Match any path starting with “wordpress/” and followed by “anything else”
    • Replace it with the part matching “anything else”
    • And if a match was found, do a R(edirect) and this was the L(ast) rule to apply (i.e.: stop).

    I didn’t change anything else. Also, changes in the .htaccess are taken into account immediately, without the need to restart the WebStation.

    # Synology PHP
    AddHandler default-handler .htm .html .shtml
    AddHandler php-fastcgi .php
    AddType text/html .php
    Action php-fastcgi /php56-fpm-handler.fcgi
    # Synology PHP

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^wordpress/(.*)$ /$1 [R,L]
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

    Et voilà.

    NB.: Here is a useful website to test online .htaccess RewriteRule’s


  • Display standard quotes in a WordPress post

    Single and double quotes typed in a post are displayed by WordPress as directionnal quotes: ‘blabla’ or “blabla” (I.e.: left/right single/double quotes). This becomes an issue when publishing “shell scripts” samples to be copy/pasted. The solution is to type “encoded quotes”. Ex.: & #39; for ' or & #34; for " (without the blanks between & and #).

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    This is due to the WordPress converting Straight Quotes to Pretty Quotes… a feature also named Smart Quotes and due to a filter running in WordPress: the “wptexturize”.

    Here after, an example I used to post to illustrate how to send custom notifications from a script running on a Synology. The code was directly copy/pasted here from a shell script opened within Notepad++ (where the quotes appeared as &#39 and &#34).

    /usr/syno/bin/synonotify Tag_Name ‘{“[%VAR1%]”: “value1”, “[%VAR2%]”: “value2”}’

    As you can see above, the single and double quotes are displayed by WordPress as symbols: ‘…’ and “…”.

    The problem is that readers who copied/pasted as-is this sample in their script got execution errors. Indeed, a ‘ and a &#39 are not interpreted the same way within a shell.

    To solve this issue, I did replace all ‘ and ” respectively by & #39 and & #34 (without the blanks between & and #). I don’t use the menu Insert > Special Character as

    Another option would be to disable the “pretty-fication” feature… This can be done by opening up your theme’s functions.php file and pasting the following code at the bottom right before the closing ?> PHP tag:

    remove_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize');

    Notice that Quotes in preformatted text (as here just above) are not replaced by Smart Quotes. But one one side, this can’t be used on Quotes typed inline, and on the other side, I don’t use preformatted text for my code samples…

    Yet another option would be to use a plugin like the Smart Quote Fixer to remove the Smart Quotes.

    But I prefer to use type the num codes as I don’t want to disable Smart Quotes on the complete post…


  • Open WordPress’ Media in a floating popup instead of the current window

    When one clicked on a picture in my WordPress blog, inserted as a Media with the standard “Add Media” button, it was opened in the current window. To open it into a floating popup windows without modifying anything (code or theme), I simply used the plugin “Easy FancyBox“.

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    All supported media are automatically handled by the plugin and opened in a smooth overlay.

    With the plugin installed (using its default settings):

    Sample Open In Popup
    Sample Open In Popup

    Without the plugin (the plugin can be disabled by adding this in the <a href> tag: class=”nofancybox”):

    Sample Open In Window
    Sample Open In Window


    All the details on


  • Run “Use Google Libraries” and “Root Relative URLs” plugins for WordPress Side by side

    I recently tried to install the plugin “Use Google Libraries” for WordPress but it didn’t work because all its URLs where rewritten by the plugin “Root Relative URLs”. This can be solved with a black list url…

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    Concretely, the plugin “Use Google Libraries” uses URLs like  src=’//…’. Those were rewritten by mistake into src=’/ajax/libs/…’

    I couldn’t disable the plugin “Root Relative URLs” as it’s the only way to make my blog accessible seamlessly from both internet and my intranet, using either the netbios name of my NAS, its IP or its dynamic DNS name.

    So, I tried to add // in the “black list urls” of  “Root Relative URLs”. Those can be set in the Dashboard > Settings > General > (scroll to the bottom) “

    Unfortunately it didn’t work… Until Hube2, who wrote a hack of “Root Relative URLs”, told me how to set it correctly: one may not use the domain name in the black listed URL’s.

    Conclusion, in my case, I had to black list “ajax/libs”, et voilà!


  • Modal Popups don’t open anymore within WordPress 3.8.2’s Visual Editor

    Since a few months, I couldn’t “Add Media” or “Insert/Edit Link” anymore within the Visual Editor of my WordPress, when editing existing Posts. Everything was however working fine when creating new Posts… According to me, it is due to the use of a too recent version of ajax/jQuery, not compatible/conflicting with WordPress 3.8.2’s libraries. I found indeed some plugins recently updated/installed that had to be removed to solve the problem.

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    Concretely, Modal Popups didn’t open anymore…

    I didn’t get time to investigate that issue before this week-end. But it took me only a few minutes to discover that everything was working again when disabling the plugin Akismet 3.0.0 (updated by the way from 2.5.9 a few months ago).

    Instead of disabling all the plugins and re-enabling them one by one, I did compare the html source of the pages used to create a new Post and to edit an existing Post (As the problem only occurred when editing). I noticed immediately that the main difference was the inclusion of some Akismet’s javascripts. Reason why I tried first to disable that plugin…. and Bingo!

    As suggested on WordPress’ forum, I tried to installed the plugin “Use Google Libraries”. But it didn’t solve the problem. Actually, using that plugin while Akismet is disabled also results in Modal Popups not opening…

    When the problem occurs, there are errors logged in the Chrome’s developer Console (F12 > tab “Console”) : Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function. This error occurs in scripts from jquery-ui.min.js

    So, IMO, both “Use Google Libraries” and “Akismet” use a too recent version of ajax/jquery for WordPress 3.8.2. But as I didn’t want to upgrade to WordPress 3.9 or 4.0 beta (as long as Synology don’t provide its own package) I did simply rollback to Akismet 2.5.9. I had fortunately a backup… And did uninstall “Use Google Libraries”… Et voilà !


  • WordPress: Create a page of Posts

    I don’t use menus that simply display all posts from one category as one can do using a custom menu (to be created via the Dashboard > Appearance > Menus). Instead, I use pages with a “custom Template” that displays such post with futher flexibility.

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    1. Create a new “Page Template” (a php file) named “page-of-post.php” and save that one into the root folder of your theme if not yet available: \\<YourSynology>\web\wordpress\wp-content\themes\<YourTheme>\
    2. In this page Template, you should have the code provided at the bottom of this post.
    3. Go to the “Dashboard” > “Pages”, and click “Add New” to create a blank page.
    4. Type a name for your page. This name will be displayed in the menu (Header).
    5. In the “Page Attributes” pane, select “Page of Post” as a “Template” for the new page.
    6. Publish the page
    7. Add now that page to the Custom Menu (via the Dashboard > Appearance > Menus).
    8. Finally, possibly create one “Category Sticky” post which will stay at the bottom of the page and introduce the topic (E.g.: when creating a post, add a category in the “Category Sticky” pane made available via the Plugin “Category Sticky Posts” 0.13 of  Brian Zeligson)

    Here is the code of the page Template. Pay attention that I am using the theme ‘twentyeleven’:

    [code language=”php”]
    Template Name: Page Of Posts

    // if you are not using this in a child of Twenty Eleven, you need to replicate the html structure of your own theme.

    get_header(); ?>

    <div id="primary">
    <div id="content" role="main">

    $slug = basename(get_permalink());
    $paged = (get_query_var(‘paged’)) ? get_query_var(‘paged’) : 1;
    $args= array(
    ‘category_name’ => $slug, // Change these category SLUGS to suit your use. Ex.: "categ1, categ2"
    ‘paged’ => $paged

    $category = get_category_by_slug($slug);
    $name = $slug;
    $name = $category->name;
    if( have_posts() ) :?>

    <?php twentyeleven_content_nav( ‘nav-above’ ); ?>

    <?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
    <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    <?php get_template_part( ‘content’, get_post_format() ); ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php twentyeleven_content_nav( ‘nav-below’ ); ?>

    <?php else : ?>

    <article id="post-0" class="post no-results not-found">
    <header class="entry-header">
    <h1 class="entry-title"><?php _e( ‘Nothing Found in the Category "’.$name.’"’, ‘twentyeleven’ ); ?></h1>
    </header><!– .entry-header –>

    <div class="entry-content">
    <p><?php _e( ‘Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.’, ‘twentyeleven’ ); ?></p>
    <?php get_search_form(); ?>
    </div><!– .entry-content –>
    </article><!– #post-0 –>

    <?php endif; ?>

    </div><!– #content –>
    </div><!– #primary –>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>


  • WordPress: Sort items in the Header using a Custom Menu

    So far, I didn’t configure anything special in WordPress to get my “Home” menu and my various “pages” displayed in the header. I only had to customize WordPress to display a dropdow menu “Categories”. But to sort those items, I add to create a menu via the “Dashboard” > “Appearance” Menu.

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    1. Go to the “Dashboard”, open “Appearance” and select “Menus”.
    2. Create a new Menu. The name of that menu won’t be displayed in the blog
    3. Select that menu as “primary menu” in the “Theme locations” pane.
    4. Add the “Home” entry in that menu. It’s available in the “Pages” pane > “View all”
    5. Add other “Pages” and “Categories”.
    6. Sort them according to your needs.

    Notice that using this feature, it’s easy to create one entry for each category. I don’t use this tip however to display all posts from one category. Instead, I create a custom page that displays only those posts. Doing so, I can customize further the display.


  • WordPress: exclude categories from the Home Page

    I don’t want my posts from categories “Softwares” and “Wishlist” to appear in the main thread of my blog. In the past, I had to add some code in the “functions.php” page of my theme (twentyeleven) to filter that posts from the home page. Now, I am using the plugin “WP Exclude From Homepage 1.1.2”.

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    The code I used to add in \\<YourSynology>\web\wordpress\wp-content\themes\<YourTheme>\function.php was:

    [code language=”php”]

    * Excludes post in category "softwares" from the home page
    function exclude_cat_from_home($query) {
    if ( $query->is_home) {

    $acats = array();
    foreach ( array(‘wishlist’,’softwares’) as $catName ) {
    $cat = get_category_by_slug( $catName );
    $acats[] = ‘-‘.$cat->cat_ID;
    $cats = join(‘,’, $acats);
    $query-> set(‘cat’,$cats);

    return $query;


    It was located at the very bottom of the file
